Rules *Please Read*
Welcome to the SMCG Forum. Some general housekeeping to ensure everyone has a positive experience.
1. Be kind and courteous at all times. No racism, discrimination or sexism will be tolerated. Although concepts and opinions may be challenged at times, no name calling or personal attacks will be allowed.
2. Keep posts and photos related to motorcycling. Please keep political discussion, personal unrelated opinions and the sharing of personal information off the forum.
3. Advertising in forums is only to be conducted with administrator approval. Talk to an admin first.
4. Content sharing advice that is believed to be harmful, unhelpful or shared in a mocking tone will be removed.
5. Prior to posting, do a search to check that the topic has not previously been discussed. It keeps things tidy and easy to find.
6. When creating a new post, give a clear topic title and choose an appropriate category. When replying, stay on topic. If conversation gets side-tracked, start a new post.